Being arrested for a criminal offense can often be an intimidating experience for anyone. One day you're free to do as you please, and the next thing you know you're being thrown into a cold, indifferent legal system with rules and regulations of which you've never heard. You may be feeling like no one really cares about you or your loved ones. A successful attorney is your best hope. At Law Office of Richard B. Geller, our legal skills and experience are critical to your success and freedom.
If you have been accused of a crime or are being investigated for criminal activity, you are probably feeling overwhelmed and confused. The vastness of the legal field and court process can be extremely daunting to face alone. With the right legal representation from an experienced Tucson, Arizona criminal defense attorney, you can preserve your rights and freedom.
Law Office of Richard B. Geller handles all criminal defense cases involving:
The penalties for a DUI conviction will vary depending on your BAC (blood alcohol content), number of prior DUIs, and if you refused to take a blood/breath test. Without a reliable attorney by your side, a DUI charge can leave lasting ramifications on your future. If you have been charged with a DUI, you can be looking at jail time, license suspension, driver responsibility fees, vehicle immobilization and points on your license. For this reason, it's important to have an experienced attorney explain the legal options of which you may not have been aware.
If you have been charged with a drug crime, investigators are most likely investing a lot of time and money building a case against you. You don't have to fight the prosecution alone. Richard B. Geller believes every person charged is innocent until proven guilty and deserves the right to have an aggressive, knowledgeable attorney by their side. Mr. Geller will examine the evidence and if your rights were violated in any way, he will find out about it.
Law Office of Richard B. Geller, defends people accused of:
When your child is on a road to crime and self-destruction, it may leave you feeling like a failed parent. Richard B. Geller, believes every child deserves a second chance and the right to turn their life around. An experienced attorney can help significantly reduce the charges against a juvenile offender and positively affect the sentencing of the case. If your child has been arrested, contact a compassionate attorney immediately.
Even if the situation seems grim, there is hope. Depending on the situation, an aggressive death penalty attorney may be able to help you file for appeal, file a motion for a new trial, or seek a reduced sentence, which would take the death penalty off the table. These types of cases can be extremely complex, which is why it is important to have seasoned legal representation with you throughout the court process.
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